Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

Happy New Year.

Jonathan and I are still here at Brigham and's been a tough few days. We go from having moments of peace and feeling that everything will be OK, to times when the fear just overcomes us and we have to remind ourselves to keep breathing.

I won't even begin to tell you what is going on health wise with Jonathan. It's a lot to comprehend. He has just come back from liver biopsy #2 and we will find out results in the morning. I guess that will determine the course of treatment.

Right now, he is sleeping with a mix of pain killers, so that is good. I probably will head back to Lindell Ave in a little bit and give Ralph, my dog, a New's Year's treat. I may or may not watch the ball drop in Times Square. My friends, Kathy and Paul..."the innkeepers" have invited me for a glass of wine, so I may toast the New Year in with them.

New Year's Eve has never been a favorite of mine. It kind of reminds me of Labor Day. Being a teacher, it meant my holiday break was over and the beginning of a long winter had begun. Kenny and I tried many things...going out to restaurants, house parties, quiet dining at friends, but I think our favorite may have been the Three Stooges Marathon.

When I was a little girl, I watched the ball drop with Grampy Auger. Nana went to bed and he and I stayed up and snacked the night away. I can remember realizing the the switch from 1959-1960 was a big one. I must have had some premonition about the changes the 60's would usher in. It was a magnificent decade.

And here we are again of the brink of another. I can't even figure out what to hope for; I do know that I wish for health and peace for my friends. May you have a wonderful 2010.


  1. Prayers and love surround you, Jon, Nick and the baby we all want 2010 to be a brighter year for everyone. Enjoy that new years toast!
    Love Claudia, Jeff, Kat & the boy's

  2. To my favorite---Who would have thought I would be sending you this prayer so shortly after I hugged your son at the salon. He has an amazing aura around him and when I did hug him I felt comforted. Odd because that was what I was supposed to be doing. Please check in soon. I miss you. Love, Denise
